Friday, November 21, 2008

Study Material of the Day

Phrasal Verb: Pass _ on

1. To die (used as a polite euphemism) intransitive. "I am afraid Professor Johnson has passed on".
2. To convey or transmit something that has been received to somebody else -transitive. "Please pass this message on to your co-workers". "Pass this dish on to your father".
3. To not accept (an invitation to eat or do something) - transitive. "Jennifer passed on the invitation to join us for dinner". "Thank you, Bong Su, but I think I will pass on the octopus eggs tonight".

Idiom: You Can't Judge A Book By Its Cover

Meaning: Decisions shouldn't be made primarily on appearance. An appraisal of someone or something based soley on its surface is likely to be misleading.

Funny story of the Day

Drivers made to hop like frogs
Truck drivers who are caught speeding in the Indian state of Bihar are being made to hop like frogs. Police in Bihar dish out the humiliating punishments instead of taking offenders to court, reports

For the most popular punishment, leapfrog, speeding truck drivers have to sit on their haunches, hold their ears and hop for almost half a kilometre. The drivers are made to chant the name of the political leader they like most while they are being punished.

One policeman was quoted as saying: "If they remember their leader when they are being punished, it's like they are insulting them. If they have any sense, they won't do the offence again."

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