Sunday, May 22, 2011

Down In The Dumps

Today's idiom is Down In The Dumps, which means:
 A gloomy, melancholy state of mind; depression.

Poor Charlie has been down in the dumps since he learned that he's lost his job.
Mary has been very down in the
dumps this week, and nobody can cheer her up.
I’m sorry I’ve been so down in the dumps lately. I’m just upset because my girlfriend left me.
Anna is down in the dumps because her father just died.

Synonyms: miserable, dejected, depressed, despondent, disconsolate, dismal, dispirited, downcast, downhearted, fed up*, gloomy, glum, low, melancholy, moody, unhappy, woebegone

Note: Someone Down In The Dumps may momentarily feel ready to be hauled off to the garbage dump, but the 'dumps' in the expression derives from the Dutch 'domp,' 'mental haze or dullness,' or from the German 'dumpf,' 'close, heavy, oppressive, gloomy. During the Elizabethan period a 'dump' was also any kind of a slow, mournful song or dance. Even in Shakespeare's time, 'in the dumps' meant 'out of spirits.

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