Sunday, February 6, 2011

Back Down and A Month of Sundays

Today's phrasal is Back Down, which means
To withdraw or retract your position or proposal in an argument
To withdraw or retreat from a position, opinion, or commitment.

She refused to back down and was fired.
The conservative party backed down from its opposition to the progressive legislation when it became clear that it was popular. 

Note: this verb is Intransitive

Today's idiom is A Month of Sundays, which means
A very long time. A month of Sundays would be 28-31 Sundays running consecutively. It used to be that Sunday was the "day of rest". On this day you wouldn't have your regular job to do. Thus, even if one had nothing at all to do for a whole month, it still wouldn't get it finished.  This phrase is often used negatively to mean that something, effectively, will never be done.

It took a month of Sundays for him to finally finish painting the kitchen
It will be a month of Sundays before I ever go to a party with her again.

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