Sunday, January 16, 2011

Die Down and Eschew

Today's phrasal verb is die down, which means:
To decrease or become quiet

Although it was on the front page for several days, interest in the matter eventually died down.
As the evening became late, the campfire died down.
I hope this noise from our neighbors dies down soon.

Today's word is eschew, which  means:
To abstain from or avoid doing or using something, usually as a matter of principle or habit

People who live in big cities often eschew others on the street
Jews and Muslims eschew pork and other things that their religions consider "unclean"
The eschewal of responsibility is a symptom of immaturity. (noun form).

There was a bumper sticker in America that was popular not too long ago:

Eschew Obsfucation.

This is meant to be humorous in a very dry manner.  Essentially it means, avoid being unclear and people who are unclear.

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