This fishing boat has been handed down from father to son for 4 generations |
1-To pass on to the next generation
>My mother handed this wedding ring down to me. It has been in my family for five generations.
The land had been handed down from generation to generation in that family.
There is a legend that has been handed down by the people of this region that this area is haunted.
2-To make an official decision, especially the verdict of a court.
The jury wasted no time in handing down a verdict of innocence.
The corporate office handed down its new policy yesterday.
3- To pass clothes on from an older to a younger child. (Often called hand-me-downs, which is an idiom)
His mother handed down the clothes to him that his older brother had worn
I always have to wear my sister's old hand-me-downs. I never get any new clothes, but she does.
Notes: Transitive/Separable [optional]
Synonyms: leave, bequeath, pass down, transmit, will, hand on, pass on
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"That's how you get your ducks in a row" |
If you get your ducks in a row, you organise yourself and your life.
Jane is organized. She really gets all her ducks in a row right away.
You can't hope to go into a company and sell something until you get your ducks in a row
The government talks about tax changes but they won't fix a date or an amount - they just can't get their ducks in a row.
The origin of this phrase is uncertain, but there are several theories. Here they are.
It refers to the lead weights used by early ship builder draftsmen. They would create the curve lines of the ship with some sort of flexible material and hold it down with the lead weights which they called ducks. This enabled them to draw the curved lines.
It derives from "duck pins," a type of lawn bowling popular in Europe and America in the 1700s.
It refers to baby ducklings following their mother
It refers to the line of metal ducks at a mechanical shooting arcade
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